Letter Perfect Farm

Uxbridge, MA


Today I am writing about blessings. Each one of us has been given a special gift that is a blessing in our lives, as well as other people's lives. Sometimes this gift is a quality of our personality such as patience, kindness, focus, organizational skills, balance, coordination, intelligence, perception, etc.You get the point. Other times its what helps us be good at our jobs, such as musicians, writers, scientist, engineers, doctors, athletes, etc. These gifts help us become better people which in itself is a great blessing but when we use them to help others our gifts become a blessing to other people. These gifts can be blessing to our horses and our riding as well if we recognize what we can give and what a horse needs. Our horses have personalities too. Some are shy, some are precocious, some are sassy and some are just plane sweet. Some need a lot of confidence and some need just a little guidance to bring out their talent. Some horses are perfectionist, and some horses are just happy doing anything you ask them to do. Knowing what a horse needs is essential to riding well. Knowing what our own strengths and weaknesses are help us meet that need and communicate to the horse we can help them. Great communication leads to good training and great rides. What could be more of a blessing than that?