Letter Perfect Farm

Uxbridge, MA

Apr 2012

Springing into Show Season

LPF has busy this April getting ready for their show season. First, we have started a newsletter to keep everyone informed about the exciting events happening at LPF. You can sign up on our front page, or email Kelli@letterperfectfarm.com and she will send you sign up information. Second, we have put into action a two phase plan to get things ready for a "mini" two phase here at LPF. Phase one was to clear the trails here and was completed this weekend! Thank you so much to all those who helped us Friday and Sat. Phase two will be the making and placing of some cross country jumps. Any and all help and advice will be welcomed so email Kelli(address above).

LPF is continuing it's support to C.A.N.T.E.R. NE by organizing and hosting a Tack Sale/Saddle Event to support Healing Horses foster horse Griffin.
The sale will take place at LPF on May 19th from 10-4. You will be able to purchase a tack table for 25.00 .Just email Kelli for the forms. AND for the same price, you will be able to truck your horse in(coggins required) to try on saddles from Pelham Saddlery. AND for an additional fee, Jamie will be here to help you find the perfect saddle for you and your horse. She is also available to help you with your own saddle if it needs to be refitted to your horse. You can email Jamie with a list of saddles you would like to try or to request a saddle fitting, at jmsaddles@gmail.com.

Of course, this is just a warm up for the kick off of LPF's show season, which starts with their first show of the season a Dressage Schooling Show on June 2. Following this will be LPF's two one day USEF/USDF Recognized Competition on June 30 and July 1. Our Judges for that show will be Kathy Connelly 'S' for both Sat. and Sun. and Beth Beukema 'R' for a half day on Sunday. Both shows are open, and we look forward to seeing all of you again this year. As always our shows are benefits for the Healing Horses Programs and Foster horses currently in training here at LPF. LPF is committed to helping the beautiful horses that are such a gift in our lives.