Letter Perfect Farm

Uxbridge, MA

Nov 2010

LPF holds annual Team Competition and Schooling Show Championships

On Oct. 23, 2010 Letter Perfect Farm held their annual team competition and schooling show championships. 5 Teams from USDF level to First level competed in different divisions and rode their team tests which were presided by our judge Rachel Weber. Each team enjoyed a beautiful day as their team mates cheered them on while the judge enjoyed their rides and of course their costumes. Each team member had to ride the two tests from their division. " The Black Cats" were the winners of division BB with a score of 67.768, "The Sluggers" were the winners of Division B with a score of 63.319, and "Pretty in Pink and the Cowgirl"(Alex Jamesone and Carly D'Amato) team won thier division A and the high score team of the day with a score of 68.750. Division A reserve champions were team "Everyone needs a little R & R" with a score of 64.750 and in third place for that division were "The Hippies" with an overall score of 59.917. A BIG congratulations to all the teams for their success and a big THANK YOU to all of them for participating in our show , not only riding some great tests, but also for being so creative with their costumes. Along with our team tests, we also had our regular dressage tests, and our schooling show championship rides going on as well. Our Training Level Schooling Show Champion was awarded to Constance Brown and her mount Real Love who had an overall score of 69. 707. Constance and her mount also took home the High Score of The Day award with a score of 71.2, in which she won a beautiful quarter sheet. Our First Level Schooling Show Champion was awarded to Erin Reardon on Charlie with the score of 62.208. In addition to these great rides, and super costumes our spectators were able to enjoy not only a Pas De Duex, performed by Sara Macaulay on Gloria and Alexia Rosoff on Mozart, but also a second level qaudrille performed by the Meridian Equidance Team, Leonora Giguere, Don Frazer, Alexia Rosoff, and Sara Macaulay. Beautiful pictures of the day, taken by Elizabeth DuFresne of Bits & Bridles Photography can be seen at http://bitsandbridles.instaproofs.com/ All scores can be viewed on our show page.
As well as great fun, this show was also a fund raiser to kick off LPF's new programs and Equine Rescue fund called Healing Horses. The Healing Horses programs consist of 4 new ways to connect people who love horses with horses that need their love, plus an Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy program offered by Sarah Charest, LICSW, who currently holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology as well as a Master’s degree in Social Work. The fund raiser consisted of a silent auction with items donated by the Mason family, Positive Reflections Equine Massage, and jewelry by Designs by Noelle K, two raffle baskets filled with equine goodies donated by The Mane Place and Kathy O'Leary, a Party Lite Candle Fund raiser by Crystal Palmari, and Horseshoe Nail Jewelry by The Tack Trunk. In total with the combined generosity of everyone, we raised over 400.00 to help get these programs off the ground and running! LPF would like to thank everyone who participated in the show, fund raising efforts, and who volunteered at the show. You are all a blessing. More information about our Healing Horses Programs and Equine Facilitated Psychothereapy Program will be posted soon. Again Thanks, and God Bless